Holiday Farm Party & Greens Sale
Join Awbury Arboretum for this annual favorite… in a new location!
Free Activities:
- Fire Pit Stations, for warming up, and making S'Mores
- Snacks: Atole (a delicious ancient Aztec corn drink), Pop Corn, Hot Chocolate , and Spiced Apple Cider
- Cookie Decorating: make one to donate and another to take one home!
- Holiday Music
- Craft Table
- Visit with the Goats
- Sir Michael’s Science
Paid Activities:
- Pick up your pre-ordered Greens & Gifts (order now through Dec 1st, or buy them day-of, while supplies last
- Additional Food and Craft vendors
- Workshops with sculptor and urban garden designer Susan Benarcik:
- 1:30 PM - Wreath Decorating Workshop- Each ticket includes a mixed green wreath, instruction, and all the fixings! A great holiday activity to do with a loved one. Feel free to bring sentimental trinkets from home to incorporate and customize.
- 3:00 PM -Centerpiece Workshop- Each ticket includes instruction and all required materials to make a gorgeous holiday centerpiece.
Bring nonperishable boxed and canned food items to donate! We will deliver all items to the St. Luke's Episcopal Church Food Pantry.
Cost: Attendance and most activities are FREE; some items for sale. No registration required to attend, although pre-ordering is required for workshops and suggested for wreaths and greens)
Location: The Farm at Awbury Arboretum, 6336 Ardleigh St, Philadelphia, PA 19138; Please park on Ardleigh Street
For more information: